X-Ray Diffraction Unit

The X-ray Diffraction Unit gathers all the techniques which are based on the diffraction of X-rays on crystalline solids. In this Unit two principal techniques are available: Powder X-ray Diffraction and Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction.
Regarding the single crystal diffraction in 2016, 789 structures were solved out of the 945 crystals submitted. This is 28% more than the previous year. Moreover, 266 CIF from the crystals measured in 2106 were already sent.
Regarding powder diffraction, 4307 samples were measured. This represents 41% more samples than those measured in 2015.
During 2016, the XRD Unit in collaboration with Dr. Urakawa research group and the mechanical workshop, has designed a setup to measure powder X-ray diffraction under high pressure conditions using 2D copper radiation in a microsource device.
The use of the microsource device to measure powder X-ray diffraction under variable temperature has significantly increased in 2016, measuring up to 15 samples.
Also in 2016, a high resolution measurement methodology was implemented. These are the charge density measurements that give information on the bond electrons and charge distribution in the molecules.
New methodology for quantification and structure solving using powder X-ray Diffraction were also studied and implemented.
During the last year, the team has also increased its expertise managing highly sensitive samples.