Chromatography, Thermal Analysis and Electrochemistry Unit

The Chromatography, Thermal Analysis and Electrochemistry Unit supports ICIQ researchers in terms of the mentioned techniques.
Moreover, Unit technicians manage open use instrumentation such as glove boxes and solvent purification systems, micro and submicro balances, two melting point apparatus, a vapour pressure osmometer, a centrifuge and a freeze dryer.
The Unit also gives support in the use of the chromatographs and glove boxes belonging to research groups.
During 2016, it was confirmed that supercritical CO2 chromatography is a highly efficient technique, specially combined with the wide collection of chiral columns available. This combination has became a powerful tool to separate chiral compounds. In 2016 two new chiral columns were acquired, OJ3 and IG, giving excellent results.
Also in 2016, an analytical HPLC system was manually adapted to run preparative chromatography using mass spectrometry detection.
In 2016 the Unit staff has analysed more samples than ever before. As can be seen in the chart, the number of analysed samples has increased in every technique available.