Research group

The major goal of the Suero Group is to develop new activation modes and their application in solving important synthesis problems. We are exploiting single electron transfer chemistry for the catalytic generation of elusive species able to activate C=C and C–H bond in an unprecedented manner. Our group aims to apply the novel reactivity concepts for streamlining the synthesis of natural products and late-stage functionalization of therapeutic agents. Moreover, we believe that our program will find applications in PET imaging and site-selective functionalizations of biomolecules.
Currently, we are developing a novel steroconvergent alkene cyclopropanation reaction based on the catalytic generation of novel radical carbenoids. This process employs a reactivity principle that differs from classical cyclopropanation reactions.
Topics addressed
- Development of unconventional C=C and C-H bond activations.
- Novel concepts in photoredox catalysis.
“A Stereoconvergent Cyclopropanation Reaction of Styrenes ”
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2017) 56 -1610-1613.
Ana M. del Hoyo, Ana G. Herraiz, Marcos G. Suero.
“Photoredox-Catalyzed Cyclopropanation of Michael Acceptors”
Eur. J. Org. Chem (2017) DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.201601604
Ana M. del Hoyo, Ana G. Herraiz, Marcos G. Suero.